Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Backyard Ecology

I am going to make some lapbooks (and eventually some other things, too) to share here on my blog! I hope that's cool with you all! Right now we are studying an intro to ecology. We are doing a backyard learning unit right now. I got the idea from two sources. One source is my AMAZING friend, Jamie. That girl is incredible with the amount of ideas and resources she has! The other part of the idea was from an ecology curriculum I got from my life insurance. I know, it sounds funny to say it like that, but we go through Modern Woodmen and they are a fraternity, so they have more to their program than putting money into an account waiting for you to die. They actually have 5 different programs available for free for schools, homeschools, scouts, church groups- whoever wants them. They are broken up into grade levels and include lesson  plans and printables. Pretty stellar, if you ask me! AANYwho, so I took these ideas from both these places and merged them into our very own backyard ecology study unit. Here is a picture of the lapbook, but I plan on making printable ones for you. I happened to use good 'ol fashioned scrapbooking supplies to make the one we are using.

And then I decided to make one for you. Now, be aware that these templates assume that you know how to make most elements of a lapbook. If you don't know, I'm afraid my instructions are not going to be too much help. I suggest googling "lapbook elements" to find better instructions.

This is just a computer generated preview, I have not actually printed these and tested them (because I have the one above). If somebody would like to test it for me, I'd love to see REAL pictures!

Download all the files (except the preview) HERE. If you need the picture just click on it, and then right click, then save as.

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